
Christmas for everyone

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rosebud44444's avatar

Literature Text

Christmas for everyone


A silent night, Paul was walking alone in the night as the snow pours down to the ground. He approached a big man dressed in santa suit. "Santa...Do i get a present this year?" He asked the man politely, The santa faces Paul, He appears to be very big, Even the suit doesn't fit with him. He has a messed up beard. His leg is small and he carries a gigantic keg with him "Of course not" He said as he drinks his ale. "Why?" Paul asked him again. After stopped drinking, The man regurgitates "Because you are unskilled summoner" He said. Paul was shocked hearing that. "Well, Maybe you can bring me some ale and i'll give you your present" He said as he slowly dissipates. "Remember Paul, Only the strongest shall receive santa's blessing, Remember that!" He yelled to Paul as he dissapears. Paul wakes up from his sleep "Damn...That big guy again..." He murmured as he rubbed his hair. It appears that all of it were just dreams.

The lake overlooking the Institute of War, Paul is sitting in the ground with Nocturne beside him. Paul looks down as he frowns. "Something the matter summoner?" Nocturne asked him, Paul smiled to him. Soon, A short girl with summoner's robe appeared "Paul!" She called to Paul. "Oh, Gongoron! Been a long time right? What's up?" Says Paul. "My brother and my mother took me to hospital because of my condition, I never get a chance to go to the institute since, Sorry" Gongoron apologized to Paul. Paul pats her head "It's okay" He said. Gongoron then sits down beside Paul. "How bout we go to the lobby and check for a match, Gongoron?" Paul asked Gongoron. "I wish i can, Sorry paul..." Gongoron said. Then, Another summoner approaches them. "Hi guys" She said. "Oh, Sora-chan, Hi!" Paul said. It was Summoner Sorayai. She also sits down near them "How bout we have a christmas party?" Suggested Sorayai. "Christmas? Oh, Today is 24 right?" Gongoron said. "Sure, I'm in" Paul said "What about you, Noc? Comin'?" He asked Nocturne, Nocturne responded with a small nod. "Then it's decided!" Sorayai said, Everyone then stands up. "Where should we do the party?" Gongoron asked. "My place is free at 25" Replied Paul. "Cool! I'm going to invite Ezreal!" Says Sorayai. "Yes, The more the merrier" Answered Paul.
Then, They went to Paul's home. Paul's house is not large but not small. It is located in a place distant from Valoran, As with the other summoner. "Kinda cozy in here...but to creepy" Said Sorayai. "What's wrong with it? I like that" Nocturne seems pleased. "Well, After we do a little decor, It'll all be cool" Paul said. "But we lack a lot of Christmas decoration" Said Gongoron. "Then let's search for it. Noc, You go ask other champion" Paul said. "As you wish" Nocturne nodded. "Sorayai, Can you check out Piltover?" Paul asked Sorayai. "Sure, I'll fetch Ezreal there too" She replied. "Good, Gongoron, Go to Ionia, I will go to Demacia. We'll meet up in here again" Said Paul. Everyone nodded and ready to go. First off, Paul teleports Nocturne back to Valoran. Before the rest of them teleports to their respective location.

Piltover, The city of change. Sorayai arrived in front of the city, Then she entered the city. and wandered around the town, Looking for both decorations for the party and Ezreal. "Hmm...I wonder where  can i find them decorations..." She murmured to herself "This place never changes...The air, The crowd and all..." She said. Soon a man with a spiky-blonde hair approached her  "Can i help you?" He asked Sorayai, When Sorayai looks to the man, It was Ezreal. "Ez! I've been looking for you!" She said. "Oh, Summoner Sorayai. Greetings, It's hard to distinguish you with other summoner 'cause of your... robe" Ezreal said "Well...What are you looking for?" He said. "Oh, I almost forgot cause i see you, Ez! Hehe" Sorayai smiled "We are going to have a Christmas party at Paul's home, Are you coming?" She asked The Prodigal Explorer. "Sounds fun, I'm in" Replied Ezreal. "Cool! Then, Can you help me search for the decoration for the party? Like...well, Basically anything that fits Christmas theme well" She explained Ezreal what she needs to find. Ezreal briefly scratched his chin "Hmmm..." After a brief pause, He spoke "I'll help you look for it" He said. "Let's go then!" She said as she grabbed Ezreal's hand. Ezreal and Sorayai then began searching for the correct decoration in the city.
Ionia, The city of culture. There were various oriental-decoration within the city and some trees. Gongoron teleported right in front of the oriental-themed gate inside the city,  Surprising a league champion who happened to be there. "Whoa! you scare me summoner!" He said, He wears a distinct googles that makes him different from the other Ionians. "Master Yi?" Gongoron said, Master Yi squinted his googles "What are you doing here anyway, summoner?" Yi asked Gongoron. "I'm looking for some decorations for a christmas party" Answered Gongoron. "Christmas decoration? oooh, You mean the ones that are like...Stars on a tree, Bells and all?" Master Yi said. "Yes! Do you have any?" Gongoron sounded happy. "No" Yi replied fluently. Gongoron looks unpleased. Then, A long haired woman wearing a distinct Ionian shirt came. "What are you doing Yi?" She asked Master Yi. "Irelia..." Master Yi said "Not much, I'm just walking around that's all" Said Yi. After observing the place a while, Irelia gazes to Master Yi, Yi looks anxious "What?" He said. "Don't pick on someone not your own size, Yi" Irelia tapped Yi's shoulder. "What, But i'm not..." Before he can finish what he say, Irelia looks to Gongoron. "Sorry, Summoner...Maybe Yi's in bad mood" Irelia bowed to Gongoron. "Sheesh..." Master Yi sighs. "So, What are you doing in Ionia anyway, Summoner? It's rare seeing summoner in Valoran except in the Institute" Irelia asked Gongoron. "I'm looking for a christmas decoration, Can you two help me?" Said Gongoron. "Sure" The WuJu Bladesman replied "You should said so earlier" He said. "Let's go then" Says Irelia, Then the three of them goes on their search.

Demacia, The impenetrable fortress of the Demacian. Paul appeared near a Gargoyle statue outside the city. "Seems like this is demacia" Paul speaks to himself. He then goes to the city gate, Where the Gatekeeper allowed him to enter due to his status as the League summoner. He salutes to the guard as the guard salutes him. He walked within the road of the city. Demacia never looks diferent, The thin air, The crowds, Their distinct buildings and housing And the patrolling guardsman that tells anyone that they are within the walls of Demacia. Paul looked around and notices a Demacian Vanguard, Who is talking to a guard. "Garen! Keepin' busy i guess?" Paul called the Vanguard, Who is Garen. Garen looked to Paul and waved his hand to him "Eh, Summoner!" He said. Paul approached the Might of Demacia. "What are you doing?" Said Paul. "Just receiving some of their patrol reports, Thanks for you hard works!" He said, The guardsman salutes to him as they left. "How bout you summoner? What brings you here?" Said Garen. "Just looking for a christmas decoration for a party at my home, You got any suggestion?" Paul said. "No, I'm sorry" Garen rubbed his hair. "Do you want to come to the party?" Paul asked the Might of Demacia again. "I don't know, I'll try to come if i'm off duty" Said Garen "Why don't you ask my sister She can help, Maybe?" Garen said "She's at the royal palace" Garen pointed to the direction to the Royal palace. "Thankyu, I'll go see her" Answered Paul, He and Garen then parted ways. Inside the Royal palace, He searched for Lux. Paul went to a room, to another room in order to find Lux. He finally founds Lux at the Royal Library within the Royal Palace. She is reading a book. "Hey Lux, What are you doing?" Paul asked Lux politely. "Oh, Hi summoner, Just reading a random book" She replied Paul's question. Lux showed the book she read to Paul. It was a book about christmas. "What a coincidence" Paul murmured. "Lux, You want to participate in a christmas party in my home?" Said Paul. "Sure!" Lux replied happily. "But first, Can you help me looking for the decorations?" He said. "Sure!" Said Lux, She then grabbed Paul's hand and pulled him out of the library to the outside. "Whoa, Chill out girl!" Paul said as he was dragged by Lux.
Nocturne on the other hand, Is in his place where he appeared, The Twisted Treeline. The trees were twisted as all of it have faces and seems to be alive. The jungle seems creepy, As well as the place. Two gigantic Nexus are overlooking the place. Nocturne wandered around the place, Hoping to find something worth for a decoration. "As i thought...It's futile to search for one in this place..." He talked to himself. Then, He notices a Sapling, Who is alive. The sapling ran as it saw Nocturne. Nocturne followed the Sapling's trail and was surprised at what he see. He then suddenly smirks and approached his target.

Paul's home, At evening. Paul, Gongoron, And Sorayai arrived back to Paul's home at the same time. Paul arrived with Lux while Sorayai arrived With Ezreal and Gongoron arrived with Master Yi and Irelia. All of them brings a boxes of decoration that seems to match the Christmas theme. "Good! Now we can start decorating!" Said Gongoron. "Ez, Yi, Irelia hi!" Lux greeted her fellow champions. Ezreal smiled to Lux as Master Yi and Irelia bowed to her. "Let us decorate" Said Master Yi, He takes a box and start unpacking it, Irelia and Ezreal then helped him. "Hold on...We are still short on the christmas tree" Sorayai said. "I'm sure Nocturne got it covered!" Said Paul, He seems to be confident with Nocturne. "And indeed i am..." Said Nocturne, Who entered the house through the doors. "Ah Nocturne, Welcome back" Said Paul. "I brought a tree for us, Seems to be to big. Can anyone teleport him in?" Nocturne asked the summoners. "Big?" Sorayai looks curious. "Him?" Gongoron looks even more curious. Everyone then went outside to see the tree Nocturne brought. They cannot believe what they see as it was Maokai, Who takes form in a snow pine, Ready to be decorated with decorations. "Maokai?" Paul is startled. "I asked him and he says it's okay..." Nocturne shrugged. "I will participate, As long as there is no misuse of magic in this place" Maokai said. "Just be ready with the decoration guys, I will move him inside" Said Paul. Everyone excepts Paul then enters the house. Inside, Everyone started to decorate. "Hold on! The cakes and food! What are we gonna do?" Said Lux. "Relax Lux!" Sorayai tapped her shoulder. "I will go and fetch someone who is good at cooking" Said Sorayai as she teleports away. "I wonder who..." Said Ezreal. Maokai then appeared in a clear space within the house, Paul seems to have succesfully teleports him inside. As everyone unpacks the decorations, Sorayai appeared with two champions, A fallen angel and The artisan of war, Morgana and Pantheon. "Oh...So, This is the help you mentioned earlier, Summoner?" Ezreal asked Sorayai, Sorayai seems proud. "There's always time for cakes, right?" Morgana said. "Let's get cooking!!! Who's with us!!!" Pantheon yelled, He seems to be very excited. Paul followed them to the kitchen. "Paul, You're cooking?" Gongoron said. "Yep, I have an experience in the cooking school i attend back then" Said Paul.
They then began to decorate the place, Irelia and Master Yi places some decorations in Maokai's leaf. Maokai also produces some saplings that helps the progress. Sorayai and Ezreal moves the furniture to fit the view, Followed by Lux placing a rug in the clear space. Nocturne then cleanes the table with Lux. Gongoron then decorates the fireplace. Ezreal climbed Maokai and places a star on top of Maokai. Sorayai and Irelia then places some lamps on Maokai. "Hey! Be careful! You're hitting my eye!" Maokai said. "Sorry..." Irelia said, She and Sorayai then laughed. Soon the house is filled with laughter, Maokai saplings and left arm also laughed. Maokai finally gives in and laughed together. Meanwhile, The Kitchen. Paul, Along with Morgana and Pantheon cooks. Morgana bakes a cake. "How's this look?" Morgana asked both Paul and Pantheon. "Looks delicious" Commented Pantheon. "Give it some decorations, Like cherries or strawberries…" Paul said. Morgana places the cake on the table and takes a cream, She then creamed the cake. Pantheon brought some cherries and strawberry to decorate the cake. Suddenly, Pantheon's leg slips and falls, Causing the fruits to fly in the air, The fruits lands on the cake and it decorates the cake nicely, Making the cake looks beautiful. "Wow..." Morgana looks surprised. "Good job, Panth!" Paul offered a hand to help him stand up. "You know me..." Pantheon grabbed Paul's hand "I always wanted to be a baker" He said as he stands up. The three of them then laughs.
They worked overnight and they completed their decorations and foods at six o'clock in the morning. "We did it!" Lux yelled. The rest of the peoples also yelled with her. Paul's house now looks beautiful. With decorations around the house, Maokai is decorated and food decorating the table. "Thanks for your hardwork guys..." Said Paul. "No problem, I enjoyed it" Said Master Yi. "When do we start the party?" Sorayai asked. "Around ten, Tell all your friends" Said Paul.

Ten o'clock, Paul's house is filled with both summoners and champions. Sona, Who is invited by Gongoron is playing her synthetizer near the fireplace. some summoner and champion places some gifts beside Maokai, One of Maokai saplings steals a present, Who is then smacked by Maokai. Almost everyone is eating, Either in the table, The couch or the floor. Sorayai is eating beside Ezreal. Some summoners then entered the house, Alexandriteism, Poezer888 and The ArtofKS. "Wow! This place is loaded!" Said Alex. "Alex, Poezer, ArtofKS, You guys came!" Said Paul, He fistbumped his friends. The lamp that is decorated in Maokai started to glow, Lux is charging it with her spell. "Can i use a simple spell like this, Maokai?" Lux asked the Twisted Treant. "Of course" Maokai replied. In the table, Leona and Pantheon are eating together. "Who cooked this foods, These foods are delicious!" Commented Leona. "Me, Summoner Paul and Morgana" Pantheon replied. Paul waved his hand to Leona while Morgana also waved her hand to Leona. "Didn't know you're a cook, Pantheon" Said Leona. "Hahaha! shocking right?" Pantheon laughed. As the party went on, Another summoner entered the house. "Wow a party! Didn't know we had one" He said, He is wearing a summoner's robe that resembles Paul's robe. "Brother, you're late, Where were you?" Paul asked his brother. "You had a brother, Paul?" Sorayai asked Paul. "This is Sudarsono, My brother" Paul said. "If i know we had a christmas party, I'll invite Gangplank" Said Sudarsono. Gongoron is sitting in a couch with her brother, Delever. They are listening to Sona's music. Paul then came and pinched her cheek. "Hey, What are you guys doing?" Said Paul. "Paul! stop it!" Said Gongoron, Paul then stopped pinching Gongoron. "Seriously, You need to stop doing it!" Said Gongoron. "Do what? Ooh...Pinching you? Okay!" Said Paul, He then pinched Gongoron again. "Waaah! Brother help!" Gongoron called her brother. Delever then laughed with Paul.
The party continues, The party is filled with happines, Laugh and everything. Everyone looks happy and pleased as they exits Paul's home. At six PM, The Party has stopped. Paul, Gongoron, and Sorayai looks exhausted. Sudarsono, Lux, and Irelia began cleaning the decorations in Maokai's leaf. Ezreal, Master Yi and Nocturne cleaned the place as the place is a mess. Pantheon and Morgana then takes the dish to the kitchen and washes it all, Paul stands up to help them, Gongoron and Sorayai soon helps the other. As everything is cleaned, Everyone went to the couches. "Well, That's one hell of a party" Said Pantheon. "So fun, I was hoping my brother was here" Said Lux. "I enjoyed  the party, Even though i'm a treant..." Said Maokai, Who is sitting in the same place as he was standing up. Nocturne seems silent. "What's wrong Nocturne, You didn't enjoy it?" Paul questioned Nocturne. "No, I was enjoying it" Said Nocturne, He looks down. Paul is confused. "It's ok to let out once in a while, Right Irelia?" Said Master Yi. "Why are you asking me?" Irelia is confused. Ezreal then laughed, The rest of them then laughed too. After an hour has passed, The summoners teleports the champions back to their home. "Bro, We are going to the institute, You comin'?" Paul asked his brother. "Come on! It'll be fun!" Said Gongoron. "No thanks, I'll pass. I wanna sleep" Said Sudarsono as he went to the bedroom. Then, Paul, Gongoron, and Sorayai teleports to the Institute of War, Nocturne are also teleported to the institute,
They then went to the Lake overlooking the Institute. "Love this place" Said Gongoron. "Technically this is the second time, But this is the first time i'm going to this lake with you guys. Somehow, It feels warm" Said Sorayai. "When we are together, Everything is friendly warm" Said Paul, He smiled. Sorayai smacked his head "Not funny, Paul!" She said. They then laughed together. Nocturne didn't laugh and looked down. "What's wrong, Noc-chan?" Paul asked Nocturne. "I...I really want things go on like this...Forever..."Said Nocturne "I never felt this warm before...All i fell, Was hatred... and cold within my heart..." Nocturne looked up to the sky. "The moon's full" Said Gongoron. A star is falling in the sky,
Creating a beautiful trail ."Look, A falling star!" Said Sorayai. Paul then smiled and extended his right arm, He looked to his friends "Then let us wish upon the falling star, That we became friends...Forever" Said Paul, Sorayai and Gongoron nodded and places their hand above Paul's. Nocturne then extended his arm and places his hand above their hands and nodded too. Everyone then shares a friendly hug.

Merry christmas guyz, This is a story for me and my friends.

Champs who's in here
* Nocturne
* Lux
* Master Yi
* Ezreal
* Garen
* Irelia
* Sona
* Leona
* Pantheon
* Morgana
* Maokai
* Gragas

Summoner's who appeared
* ArtofKS, Alexandriteism (My friends in lol)
* Paul Levesque (Me)
* Sudarsono (My brother)
* Sorayai, Gongoron, and Poezer888 (My friends in both DA and lol)

thanks for reading and merry christmas to everyone
© 2011 - 2024 rosebud44444
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xXxGongoronxXx's avatar
Yayz! ^^ This was awesome <3 Thanks for the story Noc-kun >w<
Poor Gongoron though *rubs cheek* I feel you D: